


Cataract & Vitreoretinal Platform

Eyesi Surgical is a high-fidelity virtual reality simulator for intraocular surgery training. The highly realistic simulation of cataract and vitreoretinal procedures increases the residents’ surgical experience without the risk of complications for patients. Residents can practice on their own or under guidance from a mentor. With Eyesi Surgical, realistic and reproducible training is available at any time – independent of the patient flow.

Product Features

Eyesi Cataract Simulator

  • For training of anterior segment surgery the Eyesi Cataract simulator is equipped with a cataract surgery interface which includes a head with a cataract eye interface, the cataract instrument set, footpedals and the corresponding system software.
  • Can be configured easily for superior or temporal access to the patient's eye; the cataract eye is prepared for corresponding incisions.
  • Offers extensive training of the capsulorhexis. It even allows for the training of complications so that trainees master what to do when the rhexis runs outwards.
  • The phaco training modules offer a safe environment to experiement with phaco machine settings and to explore the effects of parameter changes. In practical terms this means a trainee can cause unwanted events like surge and chatter and learn how phaco parameter adjustments can eliminate these occurrences.

Eyesi Vitreoretinal Simulator

  • For training of posterior segment surgery the EYESi Vitreoretinal platform is equipped with the vitreoretinal surgery interface which consists of a head with the vitreoretinal eye interface, a vitreoretinal instrument set, foot pedals and the corresponding system software.
  • EYESi microscope renders a stereoscopic view identical to the real OR microscope. The trainee is required to establish suitable visualization via the microscope foot pedal’s zoom, focus, and X/Y controls.
  • BIOM® / SDI® hardware is integrated into the microscope setup.
  • Training sessions include tasks like inducing posterior hyaloid detachment and performing peripheral vitrectomies, peeling the internal limiting membrane (ILM) or the removal of epiretinal membranes.